Things That Make You Go "Hmmmmmm"

My child will grow up with little or no personal knowledge of the 20th century.
My child will grow up thinking that TV sets are always at least 35 inches in size. Smaller screens are for computer monitors.
My child will barely remember what TV sets looked like before HDTV. He'll watch his HDTV to see the first human set foor on Mars.
The person elected president in November 2000 will be the first person my son will recognize as the president of the United States. He'll have as much personal knowledge about living during the presidency of Bill Clinton as his/her dad does about Ike Eisenhower (nada).
My child will live long enough to read about the U.S. burying the last living member of the Vietnam (and maybe) Persian Wars.
His/Her dad (or mom) uses the internet to hang out and check things out / shopping malls to buy things. My child will use the internet to buy things/the shopping mall to hang out and check things out (unless the shopping malls go out of business).
His/her dad will have to describe what buying music on albums, CDs, and DVD is like since they will think you get it by downloading it softcopy from the web.
My grandchildren and great-grandchildren may be made up of so many different ethnic groups that when they fill out future censuses, they will always check "other" (or all the boxes).
My child will think rock-and-roll is what senior citizens listen to on the oldies stations when they want to stay awake.
My child may never learn how to type. They'll think that when you work with a computer, you talk to it (in whatever language you want to).
My child will have his/her own e-mail address from the time he enters elementary school. They'll use it to send e-mail to their classmates or the teacher on homework assignments, and setting up their social life.
My child may get his/her college degree from an e-university.
The car my child learns to drive may run on many types of fuels. Probably not gasoline though, it may get either too expensive, or can't be made anymore because all the oil supplies are used up.
During my child's life, he will probably need to remember the area code for the moon. He might need it to call his children or grand kids.
My child's life expectancy will probably be increased to 100+ years due to advances in science. The government will eventually decide he'll have to work until at least 85 years old to get social security benefits.
Since my child may live so long, he'll proably remember the fireworks displays celebrating the beginnings of the 22nd century more than he'll remember the ones starting the 21st century.
